kagebros (haze remix)
A Discord server about Kagerou Project that hosts events every month.
DISCLAIMER: Kagebros (Haze Remix) does not reimburse any medical expenses that may be caused due to server members or creations from server members. Entering Kagebros (Haze Remix) is a risk that server member(s) agree to upon entry.
heres what server members have to say:
Kagebros made me gay - tereBest mistake I ever made :sunglasses: - yalleni am a victim of the misogny and ayano fishing - coffeei walk into kagebros. kagebros. i walk back out - greedKagebros ruined my life! Anyways, it's a nice organized server with nice people! Do you know how much this server has ruined me? I made an account dedicated to it. That's fun. I get to vent my frustration with the cursed human beings that post the worst memes and the best art. Anyways, yeah, it's fun, I guess. - ranI have nothing good to say join us for more emoji movie kagepro <3 /j
I really love this server!! It's so stupid and every time I wake up I find myself seeing more and more things I wish I could unsee (points specifically at pyro and jd). I'm glad that I found a place where I could feel comfortable sharing my kanoshin tunnel vision with everyone since my irls are probably tired of me rambling non stop about them. There's something about the community thats very accepting and it feels very heartwarming and nice? Yeah I can't do words but just know that I'm smiling rn thinking of all the shitposts and events we've done together. - renkagebros fucking sucks. 10/10
okay actually speaking though the people here are really funny and kind and this server even made me discover some of my closest friends!! the moderation team is really nice and theres barely any drama or anything like that in the server or pretty much the whole fandom :D also its a good place to hang out since almost half of the current kagepro fandom is in here from what ive seen... good sides of having a small community? we also have a kagepro rp server called discount dan where we rp as our ocs!! i got closer to a lot of people there and its been really fun even though its not that active recently ^^ i also really love the shitposts and art that is made here there are so many talented people... and some of them even made me become more open about my interests without being ashamed of it :') so yeah would recommend joining, we got the epic people here and i would love to make friends with other kagepro fans as well!! - daisyKagebros server, 10/10. 6 stars. Off the charts. I like this server very much, everyone is nice. I didn't expect to find a server from this dead fandom, and I wish I didn't. Now I regret joining this server after staying for a few months, this server made me question my sanity and it fucked up my sleeping schedule. I now sleep for 4-5 hours ever since I joined. I hate this server. I am becoming more mentally ill by talking in this server. Everyone is VERY cursed. There are also so many talented artists, but unfortunately, they use their talent to create stupid shitposts. Use your talent to create something amazing, please. So over that, I'd rate it a 2/10. BUT, I like this one specific channel. The AU channel. I met a lot of great artists, and writers too. They inspired me a lot and motivated me more to draw. Thanks for that. So discount dan, 10/10...until Jaydnn joined. It goes back to 5/10. She ruined my peaceful life in the discount dan. Now I want to leave there too. And my close friends in this server are also bullying me recently, I want to leave this hell so bad. From time to time too, I get in a Floppa VS Bingus discourse too. Fuck you. But I'm leaving a 10/10 in this server, I got my exie in here. Thank you for this stupid fucking server. - rayseINTRODUCTION
Kagebros (Haze Remix) as a server has done a lot more for me than even I know still today. I joined it at a time when I had a faint interest in the Kagerou Project as a whole, knowing only the songs for a long time. I didn’t immediately start talking actively the moment I joined, since I was still fresh from the Dazecon craze those months. But the moment I started talking, things changed.
It’s the wack-est server I’ve ever been in. Full stop. The moment I started to know more about the people in lobby, the weirder and weirder it got. From the Minecraft Mondays event to me getting to meet some of the people’d I eventually get to talk with frequently through calls, and all the questionable ass topics that’d be brought up that.. weren’t. Really Kagepro related at all? It was something. But it felt amazing.
But at the same time, there’s a distinct kind of love for the Project that I can only really find as consistently and as genuine from this server compared to anywhere else. From all the talk about the music, to the moments people tend to share from the novels/manga, and. And all of #ship-happens. It’s . it’s Nuts is what it is
Also found my s/o there omg hiii <3
This server’s had some moments that stick to mind, like with Mika’s Among Us sesh from yestermonth, the Kageroke event, and the two collaborations I did with Tere M1KUD0N (the first of many pieces I’d get to contribute to the community, actually!). It was a shitshow, and I loved every minute of it! And it was thanks to moments like these where I got to meet a bunch of awesome people, Mika and Tere mentioned, but also everyone else like Chair, Daisy, Leek, Mura, Dani (:pray:) and Them
Whenever there’s an event or alike happening in Kagebros, it’s always just a treat to genuinely be able to meet more people that’ll probably make fun of me after like . a month,
But also these same people became so important to me and so fun to be with. I don’t know how many times I’ve said it, but these people have made me feel like I belonged. It’s that kind of a community. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I won’t beat around the bush. I’m still very proud of the Shitter™ that fucker took me an entire continuous day to work on without any sleep and it looks so damn good?? I legit don’t think I can reach that high level of quality ever again fully awake like . fuck!!!!!!!!!!! I am so Awesome
Okay but for real. The fact that even stuff like that right now’s still being talked about by people in lobby (looking at you Pyro), and the other weird ass things I did from months ago is so baffling. Only in a place like here, I guess. I wouldn’t really usually get this much engagement with people from servers I barely interact in, but something felt so comforting about Kagebros that I was able to pull off stunts like that. Maybe it’s the people in it or something gay like that idk
Collab’ing with the people in there too’s always a blast! Like with Hope and Dani for the . The Sonic Curry and also Mura’s Misogny video come to mind. Stuff like that’s always super fun to work with, and being able to work on some of the other projects Kagebros has to offer like the Discount Dan and the Memezine™ feel refreshing!
Admittedly, it took a while to really adjust to Kagebros. There was an overwhelming (although understandable) amount of channels, everyone seemed to know each other one way or the other, and it seemed like as if I’d never really be able to truly stay in a place like this or feel as home as I do now.. if it weren’t for how well things turned out. It ultimately forced me to get out of my comfort zone for once. But it was so worth it. Because it led to so much in the end. Before 2020, I didn’t even know that there could possibly be a dedicated community for the Kagerou Project; I really thought of it as just a one-off thing that got attention before? But in the end simmered down as a sleeper hit-kinda deal. So the joy in me when I found out about Dazecon, and everything else that happened after that..
I got to meet people that I cherish, and my love for the songs that bonded us all’s grown tenfold. Honestly, Jin’s music sounds so much better since I first got here, and I’m sure that’s no coincidence. Thanks to Kagebros, I got to know even more about the music, the anime (fucking banger btw), even some of the manga and the novels! Honestly I plan to buy them all at some point so I can genuinely read through it all and support Jin at the same time. If it weren’t for this server, I would probably still faintly only know them as just really nice songs and not notice everything else around it. Hell, if it weren’t for the rewatch, I would probably still see MCA as just a semi-decent anime with nothing to really show for the franchise. But here we are.
Kagebros has given me memories to look back on with a smile. It’s given me a place to be during the last couple of months. Kagebros came for me when all the places I’ve known for years started to feel a little heartless, when nothing felt the same. Kagebros changed the course of my life; That’s for sure.
August 15, 2020. That would be the day I got to know you all. And that day has become more and more irreplaceable, by the minute. Thank you. - jaydnn
wall of shame

what do you have to do with this form? got say something to me? better make it count. better make it hurt. better kill me in one shot